AI comments
The developments of AI are disturbing. How can a democratic process work if everything one sees and hears is fake propaganda? ChatGPT has already been tagged as having a political slant that is readily identifiable and now Google Gemini portrays whites as blacks, but never blacks as whites. For those who think this kind of falsification is good, I suppose it presents no problem.
I wonder how law schools will handle this? In law school there are right answers and wrong answers which lends itself to AI. Law students must write many papers investing a huge amount of time when time is severely limited. Suddenly students can go to the head of the class having done no research. Of course that would become evident at exam time.
I didn’t go to law school to practice law but merely for the knowledge. Back then it was affordable and I paid cash all the way through. But today most lawyers owe huge $. A foolish investment IMO since the market is glutted with unemployed lawyers who can already be hired for spare change. I see even more lawyers becoming unemployed once AI gets better. Maybe before long one can consult a lawyer online that is completely AI. OTOH maybe that would be a good thing since IMHO 90% of the lawyers out there are completely superfluous. Even immigration law, which had been absorbing the excess, is now proving a desert for the legions of unemployed counselors as people simply walk across and squat.
I have no fear that any writing of mine can be replicated by an AI bot. I use language in innovative ways and my books have complex and carefully weighed plots with surprise endings. Of course, that means my books will never be bestsellers since the biggest sellers on Amazon, today’s virtual publishing monopoly, are mostly AI products. It’s too bad the general public can’t tell genuine creativity from machine production.