Curious Things

45 is a Colt, and a short playing plastic record, and a Malt Liquor. And that’s the last time I hope to type ‘and’ when ‘n’ is quicker n easier. If dolts don’t get it, that’s their problem. I’m tired of dumbing down everything for people who can’t read above a 4th grade level.

If my books were to suddenly become popular, I would conclude that I had done something terribly wrong because only low-quality books ever become popular while t best books, n certainly t most intelligently written, almost always sell poorly. Just look at Nietzsche. In today’s collapsing intellectual environment, poor sales is a sign of quality n a virtue.

I’m thinking of making a list of books banned by Amazon n Ingram. There are hundreds, if not thousands. I don’t feel ready to tackle such a huge project.

Three very bad books that sell only because the cultic media constantly promotes them: To Kill A Mockingbird; The Great Gatsby; Things Fall Apart. I have read all three carefully. They are simply garbage.

I might write something about my “Thrice Exceptional Life”: an IQ unrecognized by the school system where I was often smarter n more educated than my perpetually offended high school teachers; virtually disabled as an adult, imagine going on job interviews in a wheelchair like I did; flaming red hair. If those three aren’t profound disabilities, then nothing is. Yet I overcame them all n, in a sense, woke up one day to discover that I had become an entirely different person. No longer red haired, no longer disabled, n no longer stuck in an institution suited only for prison, factory work, or the military.

I have noticed that publishers n literary agencies who yell t loudest about how they want to publish “marginalized” people always have zero “marginalized” people on their own staff, which is usually mostly or entirely NY natives. And if you think such entities don’t push for destroying the borders n don’t actively discriminate against white males every chance they get, boy are you out to lunch. Equus Publishing is boycotted n banned by every publisher association out there. Virtually all publishers n literary agencies, large n small, are active promoters of government propaganda, in particular the State Religion of DEI which I call the PC Cult, n which they call Wokeness as if its true nature isn’t Asleepness.

Have you ever asked yourself why there are hundreds of publishers who advertise themselves as devoted to “women’s fiction” but NOT ONE publisher for “men’s fiction”. Why is that? Partly because much fewer men read fiction. But more because of the active suppression of men’s causes in general by the “cultured thugs” who create the narratives coming out of New York City. Never forget: masculinity is outlawed in modern matriarchal America and men are second class citizens. To promote men’s causes is a crime! That’s why Equus is banned everywhere.

More dumb things Americans have said to me:

“I’m not changing what I do for you or for anyone else.” (cops soon corrected his antisocial bad behavior)

“You have cats living under your house.” No, I have pets who live in my house, not under it. Is anyone really this stupid? Apparently.

Google’s Gemini is inventing fake reviews, all negative, n directed against books by political dissenters. I expect this trend to expand until every right-of-center book, or every book written by a person known to be right-of-center, will immediately attract a collection of negative reviews invented by Google. Things To Come.

There is a strange idea that all languages can be translated. Not true. Most cannot be accurately translated into English, or vice versa. Some have no words at all for abstractions n some languages have no name for numbers beyond 3, only “many”. Some languages have no neuter nouns, like Arabic. It is not possible to remove gender from that language. Why is it that Americans in particular seem unable to acknowledge such facts? I know the answer but few are willing to open their ears.

There is an unfortunate trend among poseur intellectuals to attach meaning to the root of a word. For instance, ‘radical’ at its core means ‘root’. But in everyday discourse it is absurd to use the word ‘radical’ as ‘root’. Radical means extreme bordering on illegal n actually has nothing to do with roots. It’s deceptive to drag out this etymological sleight of hand. ‘Intellectuals’ do it only to puff themselves up so they will look important.

Do time machines have rear-view mirrors?

Much more to say but no more time.