Red Nails by Robert E. Howard

Conan – Red Nails
by Robert E. Howard
edited by Karl Edward Wagner
The Authorized Edition
Published by Berkley Publishing Corporation
Copyright 1977 by Glenn Lord
with original Weird Tales illustrations by Harold S. Delay, Hugh Rankin, Vincent Napoli, and a detailed map of the Hyborian World.

The book includes:

A 9 page Forward, by KEW (presumably since author is left blank)
Beyond The Black River, by REH
Shadows in Zambola, by REH
Red Nails, by REH
23 pages on The Hyborian Age, by REH
12 page Afterword by KEW

My scanner can’t grab the entire cover, but it only cut off the yellow frame.

BTW, I once interviewed Glenn Lord at his home back around 1992-3 if memory serves. During our conversation he mentioned that when he acquired the rights to REH’s works no one else had showed any interest in doing this, so I gathered from Glenn Lord’s comments that the rights did not cost him much, if anything. Some years after that, when REH had become much more famous and everyone knew that Glenn Lord possessed all the rights, a publisher contacted him and sent him an unsolicited check for $75,000 just to acquire any rights at all to publish some of REH’s works. Mr. Lord, not having solicited the publisher, and not having promised the publisher anything whatsoever or signed anything, and actually not free at the time to transfer any REH rights, Mr. Lord simply kept the check! Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. I heard this direct from Glenn Lord himself at his home. I had approached him with the idea of his writing a review of one of my own novels, I think my Maalstrom novel, but he explained that he was really too busy to read it. Glenn Lord was very friendly and of good humor and I very much enjoyed my brief visit with him. I never saw him again.